Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Reflection of Romeo and Juliet

HHeeeyyy! I am back! Phew... I thought I had forgotten my password! Heh. Well, after Macbeth, we were given a new task - re-enact the scenes from Romeo and Juliet. Yes, ROMEO AND JULIET. Well, I thought it was okay.... Until I had to play "Romeo". The first few weeks were pretty much relaxed. All we were required to do was memorize the lines of the play. Well, it was alot of trouble for me as it took me like FOREVER to memorize them. I finally memorized them.... I think... 

After the lines, comes the costumes! Nyeheheheheheh. Well, I thought I was required to wear a simple costume. Like normal pants, normal shoes and normal shirt. But, I have to look outstanding. So those clothings are OUT! Well, I am required to wear a blazer. I'm alright with it.... It's just that, I DO NOT HAVE ONE. And I do not know where to find one!!! Until now, I do not have a blazer! HELP! Nevermind, I'm still asking around. I know I'll find one :D And my group made MASKS! YES! MASKS! Mine is black and blue. BLUE! MY FAVOURITE COLOUR!

Then comes the backdrop. We collected cardboard boxes. They are at the back of the class. And we are going to use cloths or curtains. It is going to be ALOT of work!!! Well, it's a group work. WE CAN DO IT! The rehearsals are going great too. We need to learn a few dance routines. Well, with a few more practices, I'm sure we're gonna ace it! That's it for today! Until we meet again! Goodbye :D